uniform urbanism

Uniform urbanism questions the phenomenon of the uniformity of German city centres. The series focuses on the omnipresence of script, brands and advertising in the urban environment. The thematical approach is closely tied with a visual language, that is determinated by the media used to create the image. Starting with László Moholy-Nagy‘s demand of ‚the adaption of x-ray experiences into photography, regarding the lack of perspective and permeation‘; the series is a new interpretation of this demand. Lack of perspective and permeation are the main elements of the visual language, as well the use of x-ray material. X-ray film is light sensitive coated from both sides. At the conceptual stage this fact requires the exposure of the material from the front and the back side, leading to double exposures from different perspectives on the same sheet of film. During those exposures the light of both single exposures permeates partly through the film base and influences the other side. The resulting images no longer have a determinatable perspective. Depending on how you turn the negatives, parts of the images appear correct, others back-to-front. These images do not have a 'right' direction of view; photography is taken out of the usual one-sided twodimensional perception. Reflections in shop windows reinforce this effect, whilst the photograph itself turns into a reflective surface.

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